Support your friends and family unconditionally

Help the people around you

Aiming for our dreams and following the path we set for ourselves is important However it’s more important how the people around us are doing.

There is nothing wrong with focussing on your life. But when the people we surround ourselves with are important for us it’s key to also pay attention to them and to give them support. The moment where your support is crucial is in the moments where others refuse to support them. Example are when they want to start a carreer in music or in youtube where other their family members may not be so supportive. It’s true that it may not suffice for keeping up their life’s costs this way, but if it’s their dream they should strive for it. While people should always follow their dreams despite not receiving support they will be more likely to push through if you support them. For your support they shouldn’t have to follow certain rules you create. Supporting someone means you have their back, especially when others don’t.

Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you. – Misty Copeland

Your support has to be unconditionally, however this shouldn’t mean that you help them towards their destruction. For example if they have an addiction it doesn’t mean that you have to give them money that they can use in any way that pleases them. Giving money to an alcohol addict who isn’t in therapy for it will not use the money to buy food. Or they may use the money for it and use their own money to satisfy their addiction. Obviously there are still ways to support them, but don’t blindly unconditionally destroy their lives even if they chose it. You can help them by talking to them either about the problem or about general topics. If they ask you for it you can help them get rid of their addiciton or to keep it under control. If they aren’t asking for help be there for them and show in your life how you tackle your addictions or difficulties in life. It may not be usefull for them now, but when they want to change they will ask for help.

When your friend starts on a certain goal they may have plenty of support. For example for wanting to become healthy, everyone likes to see them succeed with it. However when a couple of months passes comes a Holiday where you eat together with family or you go out with your friends that first supported you. While they may support your journey they may be suprised that you don’t put your goal on the side for enjoying an unhealthy meal with them. It’s easy to support someone at a distance it’s more complex when your own decisions are being influenced by it. These are the moments where the support is really necessary, however it’s the moment that the least support is given. Listen to your friend and help them where they need it, despite it may be difficult for you.