Take a break from caffeine intake

Less coffee
Your daily dose of caffeine

Are you drinking coffee every morning and getting one at work? coffee is a good way to get an energy boost. Most people drink it to get energy. That doesn’t mean we need it or that it is healthy.

The benefit of waking up and staying awake with caffeine is also it’s downfall. When you drink coffee a few hours before going to bed it will be difficult to fall asleep. The reason why falling asleep becomes difficult is because the effect it has on your heart. If you have familial predisposition for heart problems you should be very carefull.

Caffeine. The gateway drug. – Eddie Vedder

Caffeine addiction is the most underrated addiction there is. W don’t worry about it, because it is not illegal and everyone drinks it. Wanna test out if you are addicted? Want to try out the benefits of not drinking caffeine? Try a 30 day challenge of not taking any caffeine. Start the challenge when you have time to recover from your daily caffeine usage. When going on vacation start the challenge and follow it up by getting back to work without drinking caffeine.

To stay persistent there are a few tips that you should consider. Firstly think about your energy expenditure. Find a way to use your energy so your body naturely will replenish it. Make time to workout, even if you think that you wont have enough energy. Your body will ensure that the much needed energy will be supplied, be it a bit slower. If you are ever in need of a quick boost, turn to freshly squeezed lemon juice. It gives energy and it is incredibely healthy.

During the challenge make sure that you get enough sleep, so you will get less of a energy dip during your day. For a better overal health and energy level eat healthy and drink enough water. After your challenge make sure to evaluate the results. You will notice that lowering your caffeine intake has many advantages. Make sure to at least occasionaly go for a caffeine detox.