Take action instead of postponing

Are you acting or waiting?

Are you waiting for something specific or are you taking action to achieve your goals? Everyone knows which goals are worthy to obtain, but it seems that they bring too much risks. So instead of taking the risk you rather wait for everything to fall in place.

One of the examples that can bring nice rewards is starting your own business. It requires some sacrifices, but your financial future can be garanteed if you work hard and smart enough. Waiting for everything to fall perfectly is waiting for something that will never come. That being said it can be smart to set a certain standard to reach before going full force towards your goal. If you start a business there is always the opportunity to spend time on it after your 9-5 job. You are building experience while creating some room for movement.

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. – Herbert Spencer

One thing to become better is knowing what to do to become better. The more important part of the equation is to actually perform on that thought. We all know that to become healthier we are required to be carefull what we eat and to make sure we get enough movement. This knowledge is great, but when are you applying that knowledge? The reason why we don’t always take action is because we feel like taking action will be a risk and or will cause us mental strain. To change this thought it needs to feel that you are risking more or it’s more mentally straining that you are not participating in it.

Not starting your business will feel like you are not risking your safety that you have now. However at the same time you are risking a better outcome and/or your financial stability in the long run. Having to eat healthy will require you to say no to some foods and you body. What is the harm in saying no if your body and mind will feel better because of it? Choosing the healthy food will stain you can’t chose anything else to eat. But not eating healthy will strain your mind that you can’t do everything that you plan. Because if you are unhealthy you can’t perform at your peek at everything you are facing.