Take your time to make important decisions

What would you choose? 

In life we are constantly taking decisions. It’s tempting to be fast on your decisionmaking. Others will appreciate the speed you decide, however it also has some negative effects. You will not be able to calculate all the possible outcomes.

Let’s take a look at the debate about renting a place or buying one on your own. Most people will tell you that buying a house is the smartest financial move, but is it? It’s true that the money you would have “thrown” away will be put towards slowly letting the house become yours. But if you look at the total cost there is so much more costs involved with buying your own house. These are for example closing costs, insurance, taxes, repairs and so on. An immense problem with buying a home is that you tie up your money into bricks. You can’t sell you house if you suddenly want to go live somewhere else, or you would have to sell it way under the market price. Don’t believe everything that you hear and take your time to figure out if something fits you right or not.

Quick decisions are unsafe decisions – Sophocles

A second example of a too hasty decision is hearing about an opportunity of a different job or a collaboration with a friend. If you never thought about starting on your own why would you jump at the first opportunity that comes up? You haven’t thought about all the consequences. Have you build a nice safety net of emergency money? Or are you just jumping straight into the deep without a back-up plan? Are you able to get back into a job quickly if it would fail? Starting a business either with or without someone else isn’t necessarily bad. Doing it without preparation and thinking it through might be a decision that you regret rather soon.

Imagine starting for yourself at the end of 2019 and then being struck with the pandemic. It would be impossible to cover any costs without income and getting back into the job market would have been 10 times harder than normal. Life will benefit the people that are willing to take risks. Don’t confuse this with taking uncalculated risks. For example me writing these articles is a risk. Instead of focussing on improving rapidly on my job I spend my time writing articles. It’s enjoyable and hopefully it helps some people out there.