Taking every occassion to learn

Learning can be done in any situation

In life the person who learns and studies well will be ahead in life. Are you able to free enough time for learning purposes?

Because there is so many things to do in life it can become a struggle to have enough time to continue learning. The best solution for this is to not leave your learning moments down to chances. It’s not only when you are at home, when everything is done and when it’s quiet that you are able to learn. Learning opportunities can come up in many forms. For example if you are working a fulltime job you can search for moment to learn during your work. Yes, this will be skills usefull for your job but those skills are never lost. Even if these skills would solely be to improve your work capacities if you ever decide to switch jobs.

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. – Bruce Lee

The people who are the smartest who have the most knowledge are persons who are capable of learning from anything. You don’t have to follow a course or buying a book to study. Any situation can be used to learn, even a difficult situation or a simple answer can help you improve. For example even if you have been working in a certain field for more than 20 years you are still able to learn from someone who just started working. For example if you are 50 years now and a 20 year old starts at your company. You may have the most knowledge on performing your work, however the other person might be more knowledgable about computer-stuff.

When you are teaching yourself to learn at every moment you will notice that it becomes easier to continue doing it. You are learning while others might not be doing anything at all. For example listening to a podcast that teaches you something while sitting in the car, or listening to the radio in a different language while driving to work. Speaking to family and friends will give you an opportunity to find something new to learn or a new method. If you always use the same methods of learning you will get bored, especially if you aren’t interested in the topic. Learning is the easiest when you are interested in the topic.