Taking the difficult route

Hard route
Climbing the steepest routes

There are always multiple routes you can take most people look for the easiest way out, but should you copy that strategy?

Good things take time and effort. But if you can achieve the same result why would you have to try hard? A great example for this is having a group assignment. If you aren’t contributing as much as you could the others will finish it and you will likely get some points. However if you work hard on it you will learn essential skills for the rest of your life. For example how to lead a group, working together with others, defending your output and many other things.

Difficult things aren’t easy, but they’re worth it. – Mia Love

Imagine only having the time for one of two options. The first one is to watch an episode of your favorite show or using the same amount of time to learn playing an instrument. It is true that everyone needs some down time without having to pay any attention. However it is also worth it to be training your brain by doing some challenging activities.

What if you could combine the two options and enjoy both areas? Consider watching your show at double the speed while reserving the rest of your time to pick up an instrument and start practising. Implement enjoyable but yet productive activities in your life and see the benefits that they can bring. For example instead of watching movies passively all the time start watching them in a different language. Preferably one that you are already able to speak, but are not fluent in yet. At first it will look as a daunting, unpossible task and it will require the needed perseverance. As time passes on it will become easier and you can just enjoy a movie while learing your second language.

No matter how you look at it, the difficult activities make it worth it in the long run. Consider taking the hard route instead of being satisfied with the easy option.