Taking the difficult steps helps you move ahead

What difficulty do you accept?

Having an easy time and not having to struggle is what everyone prefers. Unless you know what the advantages are for having to struggle through a difficult situation.

When you always are able to take the easy route you never challenge yourself and what you know. This could be ok for now if you look at the image you see the one with the smoother surface is rolling ahead and takes the first place. But imagine some hindrance will pop-up for example 5 minutes of the same underground will make him sweat and reduce the distance he is in front of his competitor. The one who constantly is pushing through the difficult surface is used to it and will be able to face difficult situatons more easily.

All things are difficult before they are easy. – Thomas Fuller

One of the situations we can think about is being in a less financial efficient situations. This can arise due to any reason, family, health, company issues and so on. It is not the situation itself that will make you grow but how you deal with it. Has your company gone bankrupt? Go look for a new job, you wont be able to do that the entire day so go ahead and learn something new, expand on your current knowledge or go help some people in need in some of your off-time. You never know what opportunity may arise from it. At the same time you will be seeing how other people handle their situation and it can help you look for a solution.

Learning something new is always difficult, if it wasn’t everyone would be constantly learning new things. Now it is only the people who are really motivated to learn something new that take the leap towards improvement. Looking at your current situation iit makes it difficult if you use some of your spare time for learning instead of enjoyment. However if you do this you are allowing yourself room for growth, regardless if it’s improvement in the short term or if it will only come up after months or even years of hard work.

The harder you work on difficult things the easier they will become in the future. Don’t sweat it if you are having problems now, push through them and thank yourself latter.