Taking time for your body to rest

high angle view of lying down on grass
Allow your body some downtime

We only have one body, so let’s take care of it. It’s amazing to be eating healthy and to be working out to keep on improving. However from time to time our body needs to recover.

When you are working out 3 days a week it’s good to see that you have 4 rest-days in a week. If you increase your workout days to 5 a week it gets a bit more cramped. You will only have 2 rest days a week which in turn wiill keep your body in a constant form of (physical) stress. After a couple weeks of working out it’s better to implement a deload week to let your body recover.

A second way of allowing yourself to rest is by looking at your food. What food you are eating depends how you feel, if you only focus on health it may end up being too much of a stretch for your mental health. If there is one of your favorite foods that you completely avoid try to give it a go once in a couple of weeks. Call it a refeed day where you eat more calories than you would normally go for.

Resting for me is fitness training. – Jeson Button

A last way of essential resting is letting your mind become calm and to allow it to wonder. Constantly improving your body and mind causes your mind to receive a hit. When you keep undergoing challenges your mind gets tired and it deserves to recover from it.

For some people it is difficult and challenging to workout. For those who are persevering with working out taking time to rest seems to be the difficult option. You can also train yourself to allowing your body and mind to recover. When you never stand idle your body never has the time to heal any physical problems. This is the reason that people who take a break often get sick the first days that they are out of the stress. Our body keeps going aslong as our mind forces it. When our body sees an opportunity it enables it’s recovering process.

Rather than waiting for a moment where there is no other option than recovering, try to start with it beforehand. If you are going on vacation in a month start recovering your body earlier, so that you can fully enjoy your vacation.