The benefits of drinking water

The health benefits of water

Our body consists of between 50-70% of water. Replacing our water storages regularly are key to a well functioning body. A lot of our bodies activities requires water. Maintaining our body temperature requires water. Think about a hot summer day sitting in the sun. To lower our temperature our body sweats.

When we want to flush our body of waste products we primarely take a look at detox products. Sometimes we look at a visit to a sauna to seal the deal. Sweating does reduce our temperature and has other benefits, but flushing our body is not one of them. Using detox products may or may not deliver the desired effects. A lot cheaper method is drinking water, we also know what we give our body when drinking water.

Water is life, and clean water means health. – Audrey Hepburn

Water is essential to our survival. It can be proven by looking at how long we can live without it. We can’t survive without water for 4 days. The absence of food can be survived for around 21 days. For a better weight management water intake is a great tool. Our entire body needs water to keep working, it will improve all of your functions including weight loss.

Drinking water will help you to shred the pounds. When you need all the help you can get for loosing weight you can drink a couple cups of water right before you are eating. This will help to fill you up. Strangely enough if you want to loose some weight, drinking water might seem like you are adding weight to the scale. The opposite is true. If you don’t drink enough water you body will go into protection mode, it will try to hold onto any water it receives. So you will be carrying on some extra water weight. Starting to implement more water in your drinking habit will help you lose some weight.