The international year of plant health

International year of plant health
International year of plant health

The food and agriculture Organization launched 2020 as the International year of plant health. When we think about environmental health we focus on donations to improve the problem areas. However it can also go as easy as preventing plants to be destroyed and to give the place they deserve.

To prevent hunger in the third world we also need to look further then we are used to. Preserving plants can help us to create possibilities for food for places where the food is scarce.

A man doesn’t plant a tree for himself. He plants it for Posterity – Alexander Smith

Now let’s tackle the even more difficult part of the equation. The difficulty is not to know what to do but rather to find a reason to do it ourselves. When you are living in a wealthy country or area it doesn’t seem to matter that the environment becomes increasingly healthy. This is the reason why 2020 has become the year of plant health and the cause of this article. How will you feel when you reach the age of 75 to 80 years old and you witness the earth going downhill? You will think about your life and how bad the environment has become without anything you can do to prevent it anymore.

We shouldn’t pass on the needed activities on to our children. Plants and trees help us to breath and our food intake consists of many plants. We aren’t the center of the world but plants are, so we should take care of them. The main thing we can do is spreading the knowledge of how important it is to maintain plant healths. No doubt some activities around it will spring up in 2020 that we can support.

There are some simple things that we can do that can change the outcome. For example make sure to not disturb the environment more than is necessary. Keep the plants growing, don’t take them out. Lower your ecological footprint, let the nature be and protect it.

Take a look on the tips on the website of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations at: Plant health 2020

Let’s make it a great year for the plants and trees around us. #PlantHealth