The key to a better health

Consistency is key

Health is so important that we sometimes forget the simple truth to changing our life. It is not all about a special trick that you still have to figure out to become healthier.

Let us start with an example of something that we all have learned. When we were young we all learned to walk. (let’s hope you did) Ofcourse it would be pretty strange if you are able to remember how you learned to walk. To find out how you learned to walk, ask your parents how you did it.

Did your parents tell you that you were walking from your first time from the couch to the table? If you did you have an extraordinary talent in movement. If you haven’t, don’t worry, it took some time for us all. Both for learning something new and for getting better at something we require to be consistent in what we do.

It is not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently. – Anthony Robbins

The article about yesterday gave some examples of small steps to take to change your life. Any of those, or all of them, can be used together with the principle “consistency”. If you are consistent with a good habit, you will feel the difference quickly.

What have you changed by being consistent in it?