The greatest gift you are able to give is your time. After giving your time you are not getting it back, nor will it be able to be broken. That is why it is so important to consider everything when you are using your time. Don’t spend your time randomly doing things, unless you enjoy it so much that it is your way of relaxing after a though week.
When you are watching a show or a movie consider watching it in a different language than your mother tongue. You will still enjoy the movie and at the same time you have the best teaching moment you can have for learning a language. That is (trying) to understand the movie in a different language.
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. –Thomas A. Edison
The difficulty in not wasting your time is understanding when you should and when you shouldn’t persue reaching your goal. The way to differentiate between the two is by looking at the time you already spent on it and the importance of achieving the goal. Two simple examples are graduating university and obtaining a driving license. You know when you started your education during a couple of years it is not a waste to continue, it would be a waste to forfeit all the years you spend on it. Obtaining your driving license is a goal so important in everyone’s life that it isn’t a waste no matter how much you time spend on it.
When you are working towards a goal you have set your eyes on it’s always important to keep going for it. Too often people set a big goal and when they start seeing some changes they notice it isn’t coming as fast as they would like. The best option is to keep going for it spending a bit time everyday to work towards your goal. Every step you take will bring you a bit towards achieving your goal. Pushing through these moments will improve your success rate on any goal you set and you will be able to persist through anything.
Manage to obtain goals this way and you will obtain the greatest achievements possible. You will become one of the few out there who can complete hard tasks and finish goals that others aren’t able to persist towards.