The real start of the year

Your second chance to start the year

Wednesday we talked about achieving your goals in the new year. A part of this is reflecting back on how January went. If in January everything went like you planned, well done you are still on track to obtain your goals in 2019. Then you shouldn’t continue on reading this article, you have already learned your way to reach your goals. There is no need to restart your year.

However if you planned a lot, but not everything succeeded, consider restarting your year. Consider January to be the month of trial and error. Let january be the experimentation month to reach your goals from February till December.

No one’s ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that’s abandoned by February. – Suze Orman

Giving up on your goal during January is no problem. Not restarting your goal in February is slightly more troublesome. if you haven’t set any goals during January you might have won the jackpot. January is the month that everyone starts with their resolution and it’s the worst moment to start your new goals. For example if you are going to pay attention to what you are eating, you will have some problems with the new year parties in January. The same goes for going to the gym. January is the busiest month of the year, which makes going to the gym become a lot more difficult.

In January you have slowly settled yourself with the start of the new year. With the second month of the year started you can use your free time to work towards your goals. It is still cold outside (depending where you live) or at least not sunny yet. This means you can’t use your free time to sit in the sun or go for a walk. This way you can pay attention to reaching your goal.

Let’s make 2019 a great year! No matter how you started the year, with the second month starting out you can improve even more.