The strength of mental power

The power of the mind
Mental strength

In yesterday’s article ‘the link between mental and physical health’ it is clear that we should stop focussing on solely on the strength of our body. The mental power is just as important, if not more, to becoming a healthy person.

It is difficult to describe what a healthy mind looks like, mainly because it depends how you see yourself and what you want to achieve in the future. Strong mental power does not intend to look at the things our minds find easy to achieve. It is in the moments that we are unsure of ourselves if we can ever obtain the unachievable that our mind can hinder or accelerate our progress towards achieving something unattainble.

Can we and more importantly, how can we, improve our performance by tapping in our powerfull brain. An ancient habit that can help us with this is meditation. This kind of brain improving training isn’t exclusivly for Shaolin monks. It is not required to be sitting empty minded on the floor for 2 hours straight. It is enough to let your mind wander freely and slowly let it come to rest.

“People think meditation is a huge undertaking. Don’t think of it like that.” – Deepak Chopra

Allowing yourself to experiment with a simple form of meditation for only 10 to 20 minutes in a day can greatly improve your mental toughness. Performing a morning routine to clear your mind is a really productive way to start your action packed day. If you don’t feel like starting you day of with this relaxing habit, consider ending your day with a mind clearing moment of relaxation.

Besides the increase in mental thoughness the meditation will help you sleep better, prevent illnesses and so much more! Try it out for 21 days and be sure to let us know how it felt.