Think about what you want to achieve

Envision what you want to achieve next

Some people define thinkers as dreamers, instead of performing they dream about how their life could be in a couple of years. It’s true that solely dreaming will not help you forward. However if besides performing actions you are also thinking about where you want to end up you’ll have more chance to arrive there in the end.

What we envision ourselves to do will be on the forefront of our mind so it’s easier to work towards it. An example of this is seeing how you will shine at work and how your carreer will blossom. When you are starting your first job it’s difficult to envision this future for yourself. From the moment you allow yourself to think about how great your future will become the more you will see opportunities arise. Both opportunities to improve yourself and opportunities to take on more responsabilities that will improve your success rate.

The mind is everything. What you think you become. – Buddha

Look at people who have the wrong circumstances around them. If you believe you wont make it and everything goes wrong there is no chance to get back up. If there are negative influences but you neglect those and continue to think positively you’ll have the possibility to get back up. For example if you have an exam coming up but think you lack the time to study enough for it you will create the situation where you don’t have enough time. However if you don’t worry about it and spend you will spend your time wisely and will have enough time to study enough.

Our body is considered as our strongest power, yet our mind can be more powerful if we use it wisely. As explained above it can be working for or against you. The more you understand what it can do for you the more benefit you can get from it. If you think there is a lot of work required to achieve a high level of performance it’s better to start helping yourself by thinking about the improvement rather than thinking it’s impossible to achieve. The easier you believe that something is the faster and “easier” you will reach the milestone. Where others might consider what you did as hard you always thought about it as being something normal. This made you speed up the journey and complete your goal quicker then others would do it.