Think before you act

Do you allow yourself to think before doing?

As children we all act on our desires before thinking it through. Sometimes it is considered enjoying the moment or living your life if you act without thinking. At some point in your life you will regret doing something in the heat of the moment. For example buying that brand new expensive car while you are still rentinng a place to live in.

When there is something you want to do or purchase it’s smarter to first think about all the benefits and the negative effects it could have on your life. For example leaving your job to start your own business could end up being your best or your worst decision. If you aren’t prepared for your business, have no plan and think that everything will come without work you are making a mistake. If instead of just going for it without much thought you started a side hustle after your hours it’s starting to look more like planning for succes.

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night. -William Blake

There are so many different personalities out there. Some people find it easier than others to think before acting. For everyone there is a benefit in first thinking things through before following your hunch. For example sometimes we feel like our phone is slowing down drastically and we assume that it is going to break down soon. So instead of waiting things out we rush to the shop and buy a new one. While it’s true that your phone may break down soon it may take a couple months more than you would think. This has as an added benefit that if you wait a couple more months there might be a new phone out and/or an older type will have decreased in price.

Other people think that life is too precious to always consider all the options before acting on it. There is something to say for this. If your friends invite you to go for a walk in the weekend you don’t have to count all your options before accepting. Living life spontanuous has it’s benefits. If you wouldn’t accept the offer you will be sitting at home once again, watching television, playing videogames or sleeping in your couch. When you take these decision a bit quicker than you normally would you can also use the time afterwards to reflect on your decision. If it happened to be the wrong decision you can always decide to think it through more next time. If it was the correct decision you know you can sometimes trust your instinct.