Think clearly

Do you care about thinking clearly

Everyone thinks from time to time. You have certain goals you want to accomplish to achieve them you are required to think clearly. An example is wanting to become healthy. Avoid constant brain fog and think about the steps you can take to improve your health.

Thinking clearly may seem easy but it requires to pay attention to the things you are surrounded with. If you want to become healthy everyone knows tips to improve it. However the only way that you can become healthy is if you find the steps you can take with the least resistance. If your family that you live with has been eating fast food on friday evening for 12 years in a row this might be the habit that you don’t touch. However if you go out alone on saturday and eat an extra fastfood meal this can be the habit you can easily change without too much resistance from others. Instead of looking back at how difficult it was to change habits anticipate these and choose wisely.

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. – Swami Sivananda

If you think about the possibilities and determine what your next step will be you are prepared. Think clearly about what you want to do and you can set a path to follow. Comparing with someone else is never a good idea. However if you compare different people with the same goal the person who has thought things through will have more chance to be succesful at it. For example both you and your colleague want a raise and do this by receiving more responsabilities. The only method to achieve this is if you think clearly doing the small things at your job so that you barely make any mistakes. The one using his mind the best has the best chance to get the nice rewards.

Remove all the clutter from your life. From the moment you are able to get rid of all the unnecessary clutter you will have a clear look at your next steps. When you aren’t spending no time on the unimportant your mind becomes more useful. Instead of spending your energy and time on the little things you will use your mind for the important things. At the same time you are creating more space for difficult decisions that require a lot of reflection. For example if you always wanted to become healthy you might want to step away from certain activities. For example if you are constantly playing games it will be difficult to take time to cook a healthy meal for yourself. If you slowly reduce the time you are spending on something you will have more time to think how you want to improve your health.