Think while you read

critical thinking
Read critically


Yesterday’s article talked about possible misinformation while learning something new. Together with misinformation we should take a look into critical thinking while reading. When you read critically you can discover misinformation before reaching the end of the article. This saves you a lot of time and prevents you to be blindly following wrong information.

Believe what you like, but don’t believe everything you read without questioning it. – Pauline Baynes

Have you read the quote of Paulina Baynes? It is very true that you shouldn’t believe everything that is being written. Yet have you seen that the word “quistioning” in the quote above has been written wrong? Not everything what you read is correct, however your brain is a powerfull tool that can work with you or work against you. Your brain will frequently correct words that are misspelled, so that you can read through them very fast. Unfortunately our brain will not automatically fix any information that is misleading. We have to conciously think about it.

In our busy day to day life it is much quicker to just take any information we read and believe it. Our health is more important. Don’t be satisfied when you read one article on how you can change your life. Even the most popular fitness coaches don’t know everything. Neither will they automatically be a good match for your process. Experiment with different coaches, experiment with new information sources. Never accept anything for the undeniable truth, think about what you read.

As a challenge: the next book you read don’t focuss on your speed of reading, focus on thinking about what you read. We can go even further, think about what you just read. Comment below what you think about it.