Thinking positive will get you much further than any amount of luck

Set your mind to what you want to achieve

Meeting someone who has achieved great success is often a difficult moment. Instead of being happy for them we often envy them and we think about how much luck they had.

Believing that someone else became so successfull as they are due to external situation “luck” will hold you back. Considering their success being achieved by getting lucky will give you plenty of reasons not to strive for it yourself. If you think you need to get a lucky break to reach success you will never do what is needed. Rather believe in yourself that you are capable of great things, regardless if you have the same outcome as someone else. As long as you believe in yourself you will also achieve great things. Because it will give you the motivation to work hard towards your goals.

It’s a wonderful thing to be optimistic. It keeps you healthy and it keeps you resilient. – Daniel Kahneman

Remaining optimistic allows you to see the good in things and to see to end goal before reaching it. You will stay motivated to get that dream life where you know you are healthy and you won’t have to visit the doctor’s office every friday. Being positive will get you a lot further than any amount of luck would ever get you. For example you want to become healthy and all of a sudden you win a lottery. You will have tons of money to buy you the healthiest foods you could ever imagine. However you have never focussed on health so you wont be doing it now. Rather than it helping you improve your health it might even worsen your situation.

A second thing you can achieve by remaining optimistic is that you will have more willpower to refuse something that doesn’t align with your goal. You know that you will achieve what you set your mind to, so you are not losing faith. If you are not losing faith you are not giving up on your goal and slipping away from your goal by letting you go. Obviously you are still human so everyone will slip and fall. But because you know you will obtain your goal you will get back up. Focus all your attention on improving your life while thinking positive rather than hoping to get a lucky shot.