Act kindly to strangers

be kind
Always be kind

The world sometimes feels like a hard, cold world to live in. However everyone living in it can take actions to change this even if it just means to perform simple acts of kindness.

Everyone has something going on that is difficult for them to go through or have something difficult that is coming up. When we are crossing through life going from day to day we ignore what happens around us to the random people that we walk passed. Take your time to show appreciation to people that you don’t know and to help them in small ways.

The easiest way to help out strangers is by actually living in the moment, not paying attention to your phone all the time. You will be able to take up your surroundings and everything that happens around you. For example when you are walking through a shopping street look around instead of focussing your eyes on your phone. You may see someone accidently dropping their wallet or losing their hat. Stop for a second and pick it up for them. Maybe they haven’t even noticed they lost it. Picking it up for them, or at least show them that they dropped it. This way you will save them a lot of time, looking for their wallet when they arrive back at home.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. – Philo

Agreed it is not easy to be kind all the time, especially to every stranger you meet. Think about it this way: every person that you can help with a simple act of kindness you will make their day better. Who knows, they may spread the love and return the favor to someone else. Another thing you can do is when paying for your drink at a bar is to tip the bartender. Even more special is by paying for two drinks instead of the one that you ordered, ask the bartender to offer the second drink to the next random customer showing up.

Helping people by being kind does not have to cost you money. If you are a student or trying to save up for a place to live, you can still perform small acts. For example use your time to ask people how they are and actually listen to their stories and react to it. For them it will be really refreshing if they have someone fully listening to everything they say.