To buy or not to buy a gym membership?

How expensive may health be? 

Health is an important part of life. There are so many reasons to become health and there are many methods to achieve it. One of them is purchasing a gym membership.

Let’s consider if it’s a good or bad idea to go ahead an buy one. The benefit is once you arrive you have everything at your disposal. Any tool that you could ever need is within your reach. It goes from machines for training any muscle in your body, free weights, cardio machines, water fountains, specific rooms and so much else. A gym is a place where you can meet people aslong as there are no restrictions due to a pandemic. You can get to know new people and enjoy the same passion.

I really don’t like the gym. I like experiences, so I take any chance I get to go on a bicycle or on a hike. – Blake Lively

The quote is a reason to not going to the gym. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Some would rather get on the move outside. Something as simple as going for a walk in the beautiful nature can lead you to your goal fast. Enjoying what you do brings you there a lot faster than doing something against your grain. The money you spend on the gym can either be a blessing or a loss. Money spend on improving yourself is the best investment you can make. Purchasing a membership allows you to feel obligated to do something with it. If this makes you actually using it, this will improve your health.

The used money on a gym membership can also be just money lost and nothing else. Gyms are based on the idea to sell as many memberships as possible and hope for a low amount of members to actually show up. Those of us who would go to the gym every day during the week are the members who bring in the least amount of money for the effort it takes. Think about how busy the gym is in january and how empty it is starting from february. The gym is also increasingly empty during the summer months and in december.

To decide if purchasing a gym membership is worth it you have to look at your specific needs and wants. Are you willing to put the effort in to go to the gym and being consistent with it? It might be just right for you. Are you rather a person who buys it but never goes? Save you the cost and use it for something else, for example healthy food.