Trade off what you can to improve, be willing to sacrifice

Work hard and sacrifice what you can

Life has many choices. One of life choices is if you set a goal for yourself how much you are willing to sacrifice in order to get where you want to be.

Improvement in life can not be achieved if you enjoy life all the time and never sacrifice anything. Work hard play hard is a sentence many people know because it’s true. If you are only playing all the time your life will remain the same or will get worse, you wont get to a better place without working hard. The people who are well-known for their work ethic will receive the best opportunities. While this is true you shouldn’t feel entitled to a nice reward solely for working hard for a month or even a year. The hard work will pay off in the end, but not when you expect it. You may not get the rewards at your current workplace but maybe it will motivate you to start your own business.

You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it. – Lionel Messi

Sacrifice is a means to and end. If there would be no advantage to gain from a sacrifice there would be no reason to do so. However it’s the thought of giving something up in order to improve that actually helps you a lot. Giving something up makes it possible to have a great increase in performance. For example you may want to focus on becoming healthy. Your favorite food is fast food because it’s quick and tasty. However you know to become healthy you have to reduce the amount of fast food you are eating. Reducing the fast food is a necessary sacrifice you have to make.

Sacrifice is almost always great, however you have to consider what you are sacrificing for what possible gain. Reducing the amount of time you spend with family in friends in order to make more money is not always worth it. Especially if it means you are no longer spending time with them anymore. Obviously if you are currently going out with firends for drinks 3 times a week reducing this in orde to improve yourself is acceptable. As long as you are not making money your absolute priority that goes above anything in all situations.