Trust can be unbreakable

Trust is important

We blindly trust our family and friends. But what makes us trust them? We can’t choose our family so it’s really powerfull if you have a great relationship with them and you can trust them.

Trust is an important first step in any relationship in our life. From friends, family to colleagues. Trust is very easy to lose, but a lot harder to obtain. You should never try to rush into it. It takes a lot of small steps into building a big unconditional trust. When you have achieved it you engage yourself into the relationship.

To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved. – George MacDonald

Everyone is able to be able to be loved, yet to be trusted takes something more. It requires multiple standards to be fulfilled at the same thing. The major thing is that anything you promise to do that you do it. No matter the situation people need to see you are working towards the goal that you set yourself to do. This may be completing a task at work, meeting up at a certain time to not drink when you are driving, as you promised.

Once you have achieved to build trust it’s nearly unbreakable especially if you keep yourself to the same high standard as when you achieved it. Trust can be incredible when you are trying to lead other people. They know how great you perform in good times and they believe you can persist in difficult times. Everyone appreciates someone working hard and being honest.

Allows follow through with your promises, give people the respect they deserve and help people as much as you can.