Turn stubborness into an advantage

Achieve your goal despite the circumstances

In our last article we talked about how being stubborn can be a blessing and a curse. Now let’s dive into how to turn it into an advantage. When you are stubborn you refuse to change your actions regardless the situation and how other people think about you.

Currently everyone is focussed so much on social media and how people think of us that we rarely think about what we should be doing. When you are stubborn it doesn’t matter what other people think from you. If you are deciding you want to change jobs to a completely different area you current boss, colleagues, friends or family you will achieve it regardless of what job it is. You know what you want and focus on grabbing it. It might not bring you to use the most efficient method, but it allows you to obtain greatness.

I like to say I’m determined; some people would call it stubborn. It depends on your perspective. – Peggy Whitson

Peggy Whitson has captured the idea of being stubborn to be something positive. It’s a matter of who looks at it and how it looks to you. Life throws in a lot of curveballs in your direction to get you away from your goals. When you are stubborn nothing that comes on your path will throw you off. There are some that will have you wonder if it’s possible, but you will continue. For example creating a company of your own is difficult, there comes a lot of extra costs that you didn’t prepare for. Thinking about how hard you want to succeed with your company enables you to endure the costs and life frugally so your company can start to blossem.

Another benefit that can come is that you can put up a fight against all the discouragement. People will say anything that get you off track, but it will be pointless. To make sure that you mainly get the benefits attempt to think about everything and determine whether or not sticking to your way of doing it is the best one. If other’s offer you their help or give advice you are more likely to refuse and ignore it. Doing things on your own is great, but you can miss opportunities and possibilies of learning. Don’t be so stubborn that you refuse any possibility without thinking it through.