Use different languages in your daily life


language learning
Apply different languages in your daily tools

Language is the tool of any communication. Think about meeting someone you know. They speak to you in your first language. Ofcourse this comes automatically since you always speak the same language. In what language are you reading this article? Exactly, English is the most common mutual language to speak in. When you meet a stranger in a foreign country you will very frequently be able to speak in English with them, but what if this is not possible? Do you know any other language to be able to express yourself in?

Around 50% of the world speak two languages, being able to do this is great. It is never too late to start learning a new language. It will help you excell in different situations while meeting new people. This is especially true when you are travelling to a new country where you have learned the language for.

The limits of my language means the limit of my world. – Ludwig Wittgenstein

If you speak a second language try to maintain it and improving it where possible. There are many methods to get better in it. The best way is by implementing a learning possibility every day. For example many countries have multiple languages set as an official language. In these countries are special methods that can help you. Travelling across the inner country territories will expose you to the other language. An easier but still effective method is by listening to the other language of your country on the radio. Following the news in your first and second language will help you translate the daily news in your second language. This in turn will help you speaking in your new language even better.

Take a look at the image above this article. It shows how you can implement language in your daily life. How well do you know the settings on your phone? You can experiment with different languages in your phone by changing your phone language. Are you already reasonably comfortable in your new language? But yet not feeling comfortable enough to talk with it and listen to it all the time?

Now you can decide how much you want to improve in your language. Start viewing videos in your second language with subtitles. Depending on how good you understand the language revisit old series you watched in the new language with subtitles. The futher you get start rewatching other series without subtitles. Slowly easy into watching new series or videos in your second language. The more you do in your new language, the better you will become.

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  1. Pingback: Use Different Languages In Your Daily Life | Fox&Co. Mental Health

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