Use dreams to build your skills and experiences

How do your dreams look like?

Dreams are extreme goals that we set for ourselves and often are just a guidline of what we want to achieve when everything lines up perfectly. A dream to own a supercar is not supposed to be obtained within a year, rather you are supposed to build up your skills so you can buy the thing you want when it’s sustainable without hurting yourself too much.

A different dream that you could have is to create a business and earn money working for yourself. While the end goal of the dream might be so far out you are able to search for experiences and build skills to unlock the possibility. For example if you want to change peoples lifes with writing articles the only way to reach it is by starting small, starting writing and you will arrive their someday. Having dreams mean you are thinking about what you desire and what you could work towards. Some people have dreams that they set when they are 20 and haven’t achieved it when turning 60. The only way to complete your dreams is to actually work towards them instead of solely thinking about them as a dream.

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. – Colin Powell

Don’t make the same mistake as the majority. Dreams aren’t fulfilled by winning the lottery or by getting lucky. Rather think about your dreams and how you can potentially achieve them. For example if you want to become healthy so you can enjoy being with your children longer adjust your daily life for the positive. Start with a daily walk, implement a small change towards eating healthy food and you’ll soon notice the different. Dreaming is very beneficial as long as you are taking action on it. Dreaming can either motivate you to perform or if you are dreaming too big it can be counterproductive. For example if you are dreaming about running a marathon while you haven’t done any movement in a long time it could be demotivating you to consider how much you need to improve.

Like dreaming too big there is also the possibility of dreaming too small. There are things in life that you could aspire for but that shouldn’t be a dream because of the easy of access of the goal. For example we all want to have a job to earn money to cover out living. However landing your first job is a mere aspiration not a “dream”. The dream would rather be the dream job you are aiming for to arrive at in a couple of years. The job that requires you to have plenty of experience and that isn’t available for everyone. After achieving your initial goals you can work towards the completion of your dreams. They require you to think clearly, set a plan and work tirelessly towards them. While aiming for your dream you are experiencing and building your skills.