Use obsession to your advantage

What does your obsession look like?

Some persons have more tendency to get obsessed over things or get addicted. While this may in itself be negative, it also can has advantages if you know how to act.

Most obsession hurt your life, your family and your daily activities. Despite the negative outlook on it there can also be benefits if you know how to take action on it. For example you may be more likely to get addicted to watch television hours and hours. Shift your focus to something new that you can become your addiction without having (too much) negative effects. For example you can get addicted to eating healthy. Instead of getting addicted to go eat fast food you can learn how to get addicted to spending time on cooking and eating healthy. While most people would argue that this is not possible it actually is, however it requires dedication and this dedication could be obtained from turning it into a obsession. For example you could even cook (healthy) when you don’t have to eat, you can freeze it and eat later. Or can find people who want to go eat healthier

Exercise is like an addiction. Once you’re in it, you feel like your body needs it. – Elsa Pataky

Almost anything in life that has a negative side can also has it’s benefits. Being addicted to alcohol, to drugs or most other addictions don’t have benefits. But having an addictive personality can be turned into a benefit. If you have built an addiction to something positive always be aware of the possible dangers that are hidden. While doing workouts are great and doing many of them is even better, too much is too much. If you are not sure whether or not you are surpassing what is healthy visit your doctor or a other professional to see what the do’s and don’t are of working out often. Everyone’s body is different so you will need advice tailored to your body.

When you are addicted to something you are very strictly focussed on it. If it’s a negative action you have to reconsider your time spent on it. But constantly doing something that benefits you will leave you more room to perform that action. For example you could also be addicted to earning money. In a way this is a positive addiction, but it can turn into a nasty habit. Because money is not everything and if you consider as the most important you will neglect your friendships and your family. What are we with tons of money and no one around us that loves us? While having money to take care of the people around you, there shouldn’t be so much that you lose everyone. So even if you have a positive addiction don’t forget to still take care of the rest of your life and learn to know when to stop.