Use your intelligence to work towards your goals

Are you prepared to put in the work towards goals?

Some very smart children are being dissapointed by the schooling system. School is focussed on improving the people who have problems understanding the explenations. Because of this method the highly intelligent children are not challenged enough and are forced to listen to the same explanation and become bored and possibly lazy because of the lack of challenges.

Regardless whether or not you require extra explanations in class everyone has their own area of skill and intelligence. Instead of just doing what others want, search what you desire and use your intelligence to work towards it. For example from an early age you are thinking about what your fulltime job would be in a couple of years. Instead of solely focussing on studying you can think about potential ideas for starting a company or even starting test cases without the required financial obligations. Practise selling for other companies, writing articles or working out.

Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. – Salvador Dali

Being smart without settings goals is useless. Talent or intelligence without ambition is always beaten by hard work and motivation. Intelligence will only be beneficial if you don’t take it for granted and still work hard. Anything great in life to achieve requires hard work and sacrifices. Anyone who starts with a beneficial starting point has an edge, but the edge will be lost quickly if you avoid putting hard work into it. Use your intelligence and strive for learning new things and improving on the things you started with before.

Refuse to think that you know everything, refuse to put yourself higher than others and you will continue to achieve greater results. From growing up a lot of people are forced to follow the goals and desires of their parents or other important people in their life. From an early age they might become lazy instead of challenging themselves. If you can’t take the full benefits from your intelligence at the moment, don’t give up. You can work on your personal goals in your own time eventhough you might not be challenged anymore at school. You might feel that you should avoid using your intelligence for your goals. While you may use it less on school, continue on using it to strive for your goals.