Use your time and money to invest in yourself

invest in yourself
Find a way to invest in yourself


When you have saved up money you are looking for ways to invest your money. One of the underestimated investments is the investment in yourself. Investing in yourself does not have to be an expensive way spending your income. You can start by using your time to improve yourself. If you consider your wasted time you can create time to spend doing usefull activities improving yourself. For example instead of scrolling through social media you can look up articles about health, which in turn will help you improve your well being and create more free time. With this extra time you can improve yourself even more.

Something else you can use your time wisely for is studying. You can study the subjects that people want you to study during an academic adventure. However learning the general things in life, like learning how to drive a car, learning how to build things and learning how to meditate are things that also can be learned if you are willing to spend time for it. There exist a lot more subjects you can spend your time learning them, not all as clearly outlined as learning how to drive.

Invest three percent of your income in yourself (self-development) in order to guarantee your future. – Brian Tracy

For example things like studying history, geography may not look like usefull tools to have in your toolkit. But you never know when self-education in those areas can help you. From a general question on an exam up to a job application asking for specific information to see how well rounded you are. It doesn’t hurt not knowing the answers, but it helps if you can actually solve them.

Another great example to further your improvement is by learning your second language and even expanding on your knowledge by adding extra languages into the mix. Try to add an extra language into your group of fluent languages and you will be able to communicate in difficult conversation with foreigners. Spend your time not by just watching a serie. Attempt to watch them in a different language that you are used to. It will immensly help you to achieve a native-alike level of a different language.

Most of these tips can be achieved without even spending a penny on external education. If you, or your parents, pay for your internet. You may aswell us the time on their to learn new things in between your relaxation times. While you are at it, try to save around 3% of your income a month to invest into yourself. One day you can use that saved up money for an extra education in your free time or for paying a language tutor to improve your language even more.