Use your time for your health

Spend your time wisely

Each day has a set amount of time, regardless on who you are you have the same time as your neighbor. But what do you use it for? We all have our activities we participate in, but they aren’t giving you the same results.

Are you cooking your meals or are you going out to eat? Having a break and going out to eat once in a while is no problem. However doing this every day can negatively impact your health. Not in the least will this be impacted by the feeling that when you are going out you can treat yourself. When it tends to be a habit of going to eat out this can influence your health. A second component of food that requires time is looking for and researching healthy food options. It doesn’t require you to spend extra time every trip to the shop. Just looking for healthy options once will get you settled for many months, if not years.

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. – Theophrastus

Money can buy a lot of things, except for time, and it’s very hard to buy or improve health with money. Why not combine these two difficulties? Use your very scarce time and use it to improve your hard to improve your health. Instead of picking a very quick snack considering picking a piece of fruit. It will improve the amount of nutrient you receive and provides plenty of health benefits. If you focus on creating more time for yourself you would reduce your sleeping time so you free up time for something else. However for your health it’s detrimental to not reduce your bedtime (too much). When our lifes get busier sleep is the first to suffer. It’s fine to do so to get back on top of your tasks, but pay attention to still get enough sleep.

The last interesting method of improving your health by using your time is to start moving. When we are short in time, or think we are, we rather jump in our car to arrive at our destination as quick as possible. Movements near our home can often be done even quicker by taking a bike or walking, just because of all the traffic. If walking would be slower you can still do it with the purpose of improving your health, enjoy the outdoors more and even contribute to your environment. Which of the options described above you will use is not important. Way all the benefits and disadvantages to see if you move forward with it. Don’t forget it may take some extra time, but your body will appreciate it.