What is the difference between motivation and inspiration?

Inspiration vs motivation
Comparing inspiration vs motivation

When you are setting valuable goals for yourself you will need to have a drive to reach towards it. The first posibility you have is getting motivated to be able to complete your achievements.

If you are going for a difficult challenge that is only due to be finished after several months you need to be able to continue untill completion. Taking steps towards your goal can seem very daunting. At this point it is motivation that helps you get through it. There are many ways that you can get your motivation. A great method is by meeting people that have taken on big challenges and achieved their goals. This can be by seeing them in person, reading about it or even watching motivational speeches.

Another way to stay motivated is by looking what you already managed to obtain and to look at your end goal and dream of how it will feel. You can look at it with delayed gratification in mind. If you go trough tough times now and don’t constantly reward yourself the rewards will be even bigger when you reach your end goal. Depending on what your goal is there are other ways to motivate yourself. For example when your goal is to become fit you can start working out friends that keep you accountable.

In life you either need inspiration or desperation – Tony Robins

After motivation isn’t enough anymore you either need inspiration or desperation.When you are really fighting to get motivation every time but want to achieve your goal no matter what you may feel desperation. You will do anything to arrive where you want to be. You will no longer be waiting for the motivation, you just know you have to give your all to get there. Tell yourself that you are capable of it and can achieve it.

Another method to keep on going is by building internal inspiration. You can get to this point by turning desperation into inspiration. When you fell hard enough you know what you want to avoid and you will get inspired to end up higher. Your inspiration will remain inside of you setting high values for yourself. It’s so much deeper going then external motivation.