What is your sleeping position?

Sleeping position
Which one is the one you look like?

Let’s start with a quick question before heading on to the subject. What side of your body do you like to sleep on?


Everyone has their favorite way of sleeping. Do you sometimes question if there would be a better way for you to have a deeper sleep or to prevent body aches? The truth is if you sleep a third or a fourth of the hours of your day. This means that your body will lay a certain way for a long and consecutive time.

There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep. – Homer

Every sleeping position has it’s benefits and disadvantages. If you are unsure about the best position for you depending on your body’s needs consider going to your doctor or to a sleeping expert.

In the next part you will find a short summary of benefits and disadvantages on each sleeping position. In no way this is a full list of the pros and cons. If you want to learn more about each there is much research on this topic.


Stomach Sleeping

Stomach sleeping is considered as the most comfortables sleeping position for many people. The advantage is that it can also help your spouse out, it avoids snoring. However the big disadvantage is the way it forces your body in a bad posture and this for an extended period of time. Your back and neck will be out of line, which will cause damage in the long run.


Side sleeping

A often preferred sleeping position is the side sleeping. If you love sleeping on either side try to switch it up and sleep at both sides so you give your body multiple options, so your body doesn’t only get the disadvantages from one side. If you have to choose one of the two opt for your left side. This will help you fight off heartburn, increase your digestion system, removes brain waste, promotes hearth health and helps pregnant women. The side effect is that it puts stress on your lungs and your stomach. So try to switch it up to your right side. The benefits on this side are mainly a couple of the benefits that you can already get on your left side. With the added disadvantage of possible stomach problems. Some experts advise the left side sleeping due to many health benefits and some proclaimed benefits.

Back sleeping

The best advantage of this way of sleeping is the neutral position it positions your back and you neck in. Back pain is an ache that gets really annoying and is something that you can get at any age. This way of sleeping unfortunately also puts some strain on the lower back because of the flat sleeping. A solution for this is putting pillows or a rolled up towel under your upper legs it recreates the curve in your lower back. Another positive effect is that it allows your facial treatments to not be in vain. Back sleepers are the ones with the least wrinkels.



The best position to sleep in is the back sleeping generally speaken. Some experts advise the left side sleeping. It can’t hurt to change up the way you sleep once in a while, so you can get the benefits and the lesser ones from the left and back sleeping. If you don’t feel like sleeping on these two sides feel free to pick your preferred side.

Whatever side you choose keep in mind which negative things you might have to conquer in the future. When you know what to look for the problem and especially the solution will be easier to spot.

Personally I swear by back sleeping, it has done me more good than bad. After writing this article I will however also attempt the left side sleeping once in a while. Lastly a bonus tip for back sleepers. Consider not tucking your feet in too tight. This can cause problems with your calves/hamstrings in the long run. Be aware of the negatives and try to diminish them.

After this article have you decided to attempt a other sleeping position? Let me know below which one you are trying out tonight!