Work and move

walking meetings
Walk your meeting

All of our days are completely filled from when we wake up till we go to bed. If you create free time for working out after you wake up and before hitting they hay great! If you can’t, don’t worry about it.

There are many ways to increase your health. A first step in the right direction is using the stairs at work, instead of the elevator. Your choice of movement can even start earlier. How about a bike ride to work? This might make your travel a little bit longer. But all the benefits far outway the minor inconveniences. You will be completely destressed before you start your workday, you already have had some movement, you save a lot of money if you let your car at home.

Acknowledged: riding your bike to work isn’t for everyone, but it doesn’t need to be. There are enough alternatives. Have a standard one hour break that you spend sitting? Have your meal and go for a walk to finish up your break. Ask your co-workers, maybe there is someone who has been waiting for someone to ask to go for a walk. Are you working at a big company? The company might have a fitness room, or even more using friendly a health plan that explains how to improve your health and environment at work. You spend so much time at work, you might aswell make fun at it and improve your health with your co-workers.

We walk together, we move together, we think together, we resolve together, and together we take this country forward. – Narendra Modi

Companies are starting to realise what potential there lies in helping their employees get a healthier life. Because of this companies are taking measures to improve the environment. Some companies have standing desks, allow mini standing breaks, relocate the printer for a further walk or even add in a mandatory walking break for all the employees.

If all of these aren’t attracting you or there are no rules on them in your company. Try something different, however small. Volonteer to bring the documents to the assigned place. Propose to do a walking meeting. When your co-workers want to argue a certain aspect of your work, get up and walk with them. When you want it to work, you will always find a way to get moving.