Working out while sick, yes or no?

working out sick
Would you workout?

Friday we talked about how to improve our immune system. Unfortunately we can’t improve our immune system to a level to never get sick anymore. Then the question pops up, should you continue to workout or take a few days off?

First off everyone is different, so is everyone’s body. Allthough some people might advise to continue on working out it could be that your body just doesn’t feel like doing it. If you ever feel like your body is not capable of taking the workout just take a rest day.

Many people follow the “above the neck” rule. This means that if you get a casual disease like a mild cough, a runny nose, some light ear pain it is generally safe to go through a workout. If however you feel some stomach ache or feel you entire body feeling bad it is a good moment to take a rest day.

Most of the time we think we’re sick, it’s all in our mind. – Thomas Wolfe

When you feel not 100% your immune system might be fighting off a disease. At this point it can be wise to get some momevement in to aid your blood flow to go to the place where it is needed. Extreme workouts are not advised. Because at that point your body will also have to take care of the recovery of your body after the workout.

When you live really healthy you will barely get sick. At this point it is easy to use your sick time as a “deload week”. You can completely remove working out for a week or removing your workout volume largely. This will give your body time to recover completely and your body can get stronger after you return.

When you are slightly doubting about what to do, give your workout a go. Decrease your weights and/or volume, your body will soon let you know if you should continue. If you don’t feel like taking a decision and you need to visit a doctor anyway, ask for their opinion.