Think about when someone you know is victim of a heavy car crash, is undergoing a surgery or has cancer. You never know when someone you know will need a blood transfusion to save their life.
Depending on which country you live in the government might has set up a obligatory solidarity system for helping people in need. This can be from people who end up gettnig laid off from their job to people who have serious health issues. One solidarity system that is not forced upon us is donating blood. That is why it is so necessary for us to put it into the spotlights. People out their need your help to become healthy again.
Let us take today to think about how a small portion of your time and some of your blood can actually save the lifes of so many people. When you donate your blood you are able to potentially save 3 lifes. This doesn’t even count the amount of people in the near proximity of the person needing the blood. Without your donation a lot of people would suffer from their family member or friend being in pain without a way to save them.
Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Actions speak louder than words. – Ibrahim Hooper.
When we earn more money we are able to donate some money for charity. However the thing that is even more appreciated over donating money is donating your blood. Anyone is able to save a life when they are healthy. It doesn’t cost anything and you are able to help other people in the world.
In some countries there is a second opportunity you have. If you would pass away after a car accident some of your organs might still be usable to save other people. Some countries allow you to decide when you are living to donate your organs after passing away. To check if it’s possible to registering for this you can ask this at your local government, doctor or hospital. Most countries also have information on this topic on the internet.
Their are many different steps you can take to try and save someone’s life. You can do a single blood donation, become a regular blood donator or you can register for organ donation after death. Give it a chance and think about what you are willing to contribute to our society.